“Wear the old coat and …

“Wear the old coat and buy the new book.”
-Austin Phelps

If there was ever a quote that captured my shopping habits, this is it! Buying new books makes me so happy 🙂 Whether it’s in a chain bookstore, an independently owned, charming little store or on the Kindle, I want to show off my new purchases like a pair of new shoes. 

In other news, I apologize for my recent absence. We have recently moved across the country, spent two weeks touring the east coast and bought a new (and our first) home! Needless to say, I’ve been a little busy and my blog has suffered. However, I am in the middle of a few new books and will post reviews soon. Can’t wait to be in touch with everyone again.

“Where is human nature s…

“Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?”
-Henry Ward Beecher

I will be the first to admit that once I enter a bookstore, all bets are off. I usually go in with the intention of browsing and writing down books that I would like to read on the Kindle or eventually buy. But then I pick up a book and quickly remember how much I like the feel of it in my hands. Or, I’ll discover that the store is having a 1% sale that day – good enough for me! Imagine the money I would save if I just bought the books I wanted NOW! To keep my book buying addiction to a minimum, I will typically limit the number of times I even go into a book store or I will be sure to bring my husband with. He is Pro-Kindle and I usually am too, but there are times when you need to feel the cover and smell the pages. Anyone know what I mean?

“Be careful about readi…


“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.”
-Mark Twain

I almost laughed out loud when I read this quote! I think we could include WebMD to Twain’s health book quote. There are probably very few people who, at one time or another, took a look at a health book or website in an effort to diagnose themselves….and probably found an unsettling disease or virus as the culprit. While I would obviously never discourage someone from reading any sort of book, I do agree with Twain’s sentiment! If you’re very ill, please, please just go to the doctor 🙂

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“A book is a gift you c…

“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”
-Garrison Keillor

This is one of my favorite “book” quotes – I have it engraved on a bookmark 🙂 I know there are others who feel this way, but I also know it’s nearly impossible to convert those who just don’t get it. Believe me, I’ve tried. I don’t think I have more treasured possessions – aside from my engagement and wedding rings – than my favorite books. Even though we own two Kindle devices, I can’t give up some books in print. What do you think? Will the publishing industry eventually just be reduced to e-books? I don’t think I can bear the thought!

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“Let us read and let us…

“Let us read and let us dance – two amusements that will never do any harm to the world.”

There are so many quotes out there about the value, the pleasure and the education that comes from reading. I chose to post this one because reading and dancing are two activities that I love (although I need a drink in my hand to do one)! I think it’s interesting that many of the quotes I found were written many, many years ago, but they still apply today; even in a world with Internet, cell phones and instant connection to the world. There will never be anything that will replace the value of a good book.