“Where is human nature s…

“Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?”
-Henry Ward Beecher

I will be the first to admit that once I enter a bookstore, all bets are off. I usually go in with the intention of browsing and writing down books that I would like to read on the Kindle or eventually buy. But then I pick up a book and quickly remember how much I like the feel of it in my hands. Or, I’ll discover that the store is having a 1% sale that day – good enough for me! Imagine the money I would save if I just bought the books I wanted NOW! To keep my book buying addiction to a minimum, I will typically limit the number of times I even go into a book store or I will be sure to bring my husband with. He is Pro-Kindle and I usually am too, but there are times when you need to feel the cover and smell the pages. Anyone know what I mean?