About the Writer

First, I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to read even one sentence on this blog. I’ve been a writer for a long time – writing in journals or writing short stories since I was in grade school – and to know there are people who have taken a few minutes to browse what I’ve written means a lot to mean.

My husband Chad and I currently live in San Francisco, California, but in a few short weeks we will be returning to our home state of Wisconsin for a new job. Leaving Northern California is definitely bittersweet for us. We have adapted to the wonderful weather, the people and have enjoyed all of our adventures. We were married in 2010 and are enjoying the newlywed life!  My husband is the reason I started this blog. He knows I’m a writer at heart and he really inspired me to put my words out there. He also serves as a sounding board, my personal IT assistant and proofreader for this blog. Chad is the smartest man I know and I respect his ideas so much. We have been through quite a lot in a few short years and while I know this sounds cliche, I thank God everyday that this amazing person was brought into my life.

My other inspiration is our fur baby, Petey  🙂 Petey is a 15 pound mini-goldendoodle (we believe) whom we adopted from a rescue shelter. He was left at the shelter because he had an eye infection; it was easily cleared with a few eye drops. We brought Petey home in October of 2011 when he was just 4 pounds! He’s by my side as I write everyday – usually curled in a little ball or resting his head on the keyboard. I like to think that he’s encouraging me to be as carefree as he is! Petey also seems to think that he’s a ferocious guard dog and attempts to protect Mommy from every strange sound he hears. While I could do without some of the barking, I can’t imagine our lives without Petey Pie.

As I stated before, Chad and I have been through a lot since we’ve met. We were introduced in 2007 in Minneapolis and spent about 18 months getting to know each other. When Chad was offered a transfer to San Francisco, we jumped at the opportunity and started a new adventure! And in December of 2008, Chad proposed! We immediately began planning our wedding and tied the knot in August of 2010. During this time, I started experiencing horrible migraines made worse by lifelong insomnia. I had a job secured  in San Francisco when we moved and I eventually had to leave because the migraines were so terrible. Fast forward to 2012 and after many doctors, many trips to the emergency room and many, many medications, we’re finally making some progress. I’ve had 3 rounds of Botox and keep rescue medications on hand. Usually I’m able to keep the headaches under control and the insomnia is very slowly showing some signs of improvement. I also have had 2 kidney infections – one of which I was hospitalized for – a dozen or so kidney stones and had my appendix removed – in two years. Chad has been absolutely amazing and sometimes I’m not sure how he is able to stick around. I often say that he’s a saint, plain and simple.

While I certainly hope this blog leads to bigger and better things, I am getting so much satisfaction from just doing it! Realizing that people all over the world have read my words is so exciting! To anyone considering a new hobby or venture, I would really encourage you to dive in. Even if no one reads my blog, I still have a sense of pride for doing something for myself.

Now that you know a bit about me, I would love to hear about you! Please leave any comments and the link to your blog.

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